1. Karina is a goddess.
2. Karina is crazy, she's so cool
3. The girls are freaking pretty
4. I like them, all 4 have great skills
5. But why is Karina so pretty..? Her body is daebak too...
6. On stage, it seems like the outfits and shoes are uncomfortable. Seeing it like this, they're good at dancing.
7. Woah seeing the members like this again they're good at dancing. Ning Ning's balance is amazing
8. Their skills are amazing, of course SM is SM
9. Since Karina's legs are so long, it makes her look even better at dancing
10. Winter is freaking cute
11. During the "Hey mamamamamama" part, why does Ning Ning look so busy? haha freaking cute
12. Winter gives off Jessica vibes
13. Seriously just wear this and do the lives, it's way better