
Friday, November 27, 2020

[SPOILERS] SMTM9 Ep 7 - Team Diss Battle (Justhis x Groovyroom VS Dynamic Duo x Bewhy)

Justhis x Groovy Room vs Dynamic Duo x Bewhy 

Munchman vs Heo Sunghyun:

1. [+353, -1] Heo Sunghyun won the diss match himself but the mic selection ... fuck

2. [+309, -0] Munchman... because he’s kind hearted, the diss doesn’t suit him hahaha his eyes his eyes seem kind.

3. [+263, -3] Heo Sunghyun his tone... it’s unique honesty

4. [+217, -1] Ah seriously Heo Sunghyun did freaking well

- Heo Sunghyun won, Munchman lost. 

Khundi Panda vs Dsel:

1. [+303, -4] Khundi Panda looks handsome

2. [+229, -0] No but Justhis hahahahaha saying “I swear a lot behind people too” hahaha

3. [+170, -1] wow when Khundi Panda said burn it!! that was crazy, I got goosebumps, it was cool

4. [+161, 0] Why did Bewhy fall? hahahahah

- Khundi Panda won, dsel lost.

Miranni & Mushvenom:

1. [+667, -21] Miranni did freaking well

2. [+592, -9] Miranni seems to have connected to a character yesterday, her tone is so nice, let’s rise! Mushvenom just did well I don’t want to say it more my mouth hurts

3. [+484, -8] When they said “listen well” it was really something to listen to

4. [+437, -6] Miranni is freaking cute, I really like her tone, let’s rise!! Mush obviously did well too! Their teamwork is really good.

- Miranni & Mushvenom won.

Kaokaii & Untell:

1. [+481, -7] They said she has nothing to boast about but Ehwa University but Ehwa is something worth boasting about hahaha it's like using EK's representative song, that kind of feeling

2. [+428, -8] Mush is freaking funny hahahah anyway seems like Ehwa is a prestigious hiphop uni, Miranni went to Ehwa... shocking

3. [+399, -4] Miranni is a maltese... Going to Ehwa is not a diss but a compliment? 

4. [+364, -6] Is Untell an employee at Ehwa? I didn't know Miranni went to Ehwa and now I know.. He even did a shoutout for Queen Wasabi... but Miranni still has nothing to be insulted on.. anyway Untell fought well

- Kaokaii & Untell lost (against Miranni & Mushvenom)