Spoilers at the end!!! With netizen reactions and winner!
Source: Mushvenom (ft. Simon D, The Quiett)
1. [+275, -2] Everytime Simon D comes on, he does well.... even with a mask on, you can hear the lyrics well
2. [+188, -2] I like that it wasn't a stage to win but a stage to show himself to us
3. [+172, -3] Simon D came on again!
4. [+122, -1] Is Simon D reserving his place as a producer next year?
Source: Swings (ft. Sumin)
1. [+157, -10] It felt like a cheese pork cutlet
2. [+120, -11] Swings seriously don't go
3. [+117, -10] Rather than winning he looks like he just wants to show us him
4. [+94, -3] Swings is really doing everything he wants to do, even before the finals, he was showing us relaxed rap, a good hip hop attitude and Swings' life itself. Respect, pork cutlet!
Source: Layone (ft. sogumm, Woo Wonjae)
1. [+164, -3] Why is salt's voice so sweet... not living up to their name (note: sogumm means salt in Korean LOL)
2. [+147, -5] Whether it's SMTM or High School rapper, whenever Woo Wonjae comes up, he does so well. I think Sogumm really imprinted her name with this chance she got. Earlier on, Layone was barely on broadcast so no one imagined it but he got to the final, he seems to have gotten that far with his skill. He worked so hard and I wanted to say that
3. [+134, -3] Woo Wonjae is crazy, he was trying to follow Layone's flow, I want to hear Wonjae again
4. [+111, -5] It would've been better if Layone rapped a bit more, he did well so I wanted to hear more.. it was his song.. the way the song was split was unfortunate
Source: Lil Boi (ft. Loco, GRAY, Jay Park)
1. [+690, -3] AOMG brang everyone out today
2. [+441, -14] Lil Boi's birth was in AOMG.. go to AOMG quickly, you suit so well... let's walk on a flower path
3. [+398, -4] Wow crazy, I thought I was seeing On It again, Lil Boi, Jay Park, Loco, Gray, it was so crazy, it was a song made to win
4. [+341, -4] Lil Boi + Jay Park + Loco + Gray = SMTM9 winners
Round 2:
Source: Mushvenom (ft. JUSTHIS, Jessi)
1. [+338, -5] Wow this stage was really good, the lyrics were really good, I really liked the feeling of the stage, it was really good with Jessi and Justhis, so good
2. [+261, -4] He finally used a cheat key, I really liked the rap and until the last stage, Justhis ripped that stage and Jessi's finale... it was a stage worthy of the finals
3. [+224, -4] It was over from the Intro... thank you SMTM9 for letting me see so many Justhis stages...
4. [+156, -1] I got goosebumps just from the intro
Source: Swings (ft. Mommy Son, Paloalto)
1. [+423, 0] Swings didn't get 4th place because he was bad, because he already had so many opportunities so people voted for others. As I see more episodes, I think his mind is really cool and deserving of applause.
2. [+373, -11] Honestly, out of Swings' stages, it was my favourite, he did really well. I don't know why they said he was a goner... I seriously like his mentality
3. [+332, -0] Mommy Son: In this game, there's nothing that's forever so definitely win. Swings, this stage was seriously well done, Mommy Son was crazy too
4. [+261, -0] SMTM final points: 1. Paloalto hook's are addictive 2. The features in the songs 3. Mommy Son's dance skills 4. Giriboy acting like an audience 5. Kim Jinpyo accidentally called Mommy Son Madclown.
Source: Layone (ft. Lee Youngji, Jamie, Paloalto)
1. [+398, -2] Seriously Layone x Youngji's chemistry, what shall I do? I really like it
2. [+320, -5] It was really chill stage with a positive vibe.. you could kind of feel the young energy from the stage
3. [+250, -5] Lee Youngji...she's younger than me but I don't care, if you're good, you're a noona
4. [+249, -3] Lee Youngji winner
Source: Lil Boi (ft. Yumdda, Giriboy, Zion.T)
1. [+1047, -1] It was seriously the best until the end
2. [+858, -2] I'm seriously so happy Lil Boi won this time
3. [+765, -5] This seems like it'll chart at no.1
4. [+716, -16] Zion.T is on another level, he just ate up with his vocals
CONGRATS TO LIL BOI!!!! 2nd: Mushvenom. 3rd: Layone. 4th: Swings
Source: Lil Boi wins
1. [+45, -0] The moment Justhis said teary eyed to Lil Boi "You did well" Lil Boi realised that he really won
2. [+44, -0] Lil Boi is good at emotional words and he's good at real hiphop too, what can he do?
3. [+39, -0] Lil Boi, you did well