
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

TV: [Spoilers!!] Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol - Episode 14 Preview

[Ep 14 Video Preview] "Let's break up. I've just ended up hating you." Joon's sudden breakup notice...? 

1. [+112, -0] What is this? Please be happy, time is running out!!!!

2. [+95, -1] All this time I've been putting up with it and they're breaking up again?? This doesn't make sense, please tell me you're trolling ㅠㅠ

3. [+89, -1] What kind of deal did Joon make with his parents for him to do this on purpose.. then... it's obvious.

4. [+87, -1] I know it's imagination or to provoke us but why is seeing Rara cry making my heart hurt so much ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

5. [+78, -0] Suddenly it's like this? I'll believe it's not real Joon-ah...

6. [+69, -0] You made us so happy to test us like thisㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

7. [+65, -3] Ah so annoying

8. [+63, -3] Joon-ah, don't walk the route of regret and cancel those words...

9. [+59, -0] Right at the end with 3 episodes left I didn't think something like this would catch me out.. of course I'm crying...